To Upsize or Upgrade

Changing needs, lifestyles, and incomes, either because of having more children, an emptied nest or a salary increase often lead homeowners asking themselves, should we renovate or relocate?

When deciding on whether to move or remodel also keep in mind that moving costs a pretty penny. Moving costs, cost to fix up your current home before selling, increase in property tax and the higher price of utilities in a bigger house are all things to consider. Another important question to ask yourself is if you have the room to expand. Remodeling plans often include increasing the overall size of your home, if that’s the case then a new room addition or home build out may be your best bet and the size of your lot may be a deciding factor.

As your family increases in size and your needs change so should your home. Many homeowners prefer remodeling their home to putting a house on the market and purchasing a new property. 

Sell Your House or Remodel Your Current Home

If you love where you live, get along great with your neighbors and have an easy commute to work then stay put and remodel. Either way, a home expansion or new room addition contractors can go over your options with you regarding adding another room. Things to consider when deciding to remodel or relocate include the tedious and time-consuming real estate process, mortgage rates, paperwork and having the down payment.

If a once charming little love shack is beginning to feel like an overstuffed shoebox, you may want to go over your remodel options with an interior designer, construction project manager or home addition contractor. The added stress and escalating tensions from either not enough bedrooms, nonexistent privacy or the ever-increasing noise factor are all reasons homeowners undergo a new room addition or home expansion.

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